Avast ye hearties for the Raise the Roof Reckoning! Grab yer mateys, put a feather in yer cap and chart a course to The District on Friday, March 28 at 5:30 p.m.
Ye must uncover a murderous scallywag plaguing the seven seas. Jest Murder Mystery Co. will be back again this year serving up laughs and guiding ye to solve the mystery. Take part in the action or sit back and enjoy the show. With mouthwatering food from ROAM, this is a night ye won’t want to miss!
The Raise the Roof Reckoning will be raising doubloons to fund Habitat for Humanity’s homes built in partnership with local schools. Tickets are on sale now, so make sure ye aren’t marooned without a seat.
Plunder Yer Tickets Plunder Yer TicketsWant to bring a crew of eight and get yer name on a table for all the other pirates to see? Sponsorships are still available! Contact Habitat’s Captain (Executive Director) Rocky Welker at 605-274-6280 or email rocky.welker@siouxfallshabitat.org for more information.
Check back here for updates about the event.
What should ye wear?
We know ye don’t want to stick out like a landlubber, so we created this guide to get ye in ship shape for the reckoning! We don’t want to weigh anchor on yer creativity, though…think outside of the treasure box. Come as the kraken, a parrot or even the Jolly Roger. We can’t wait to see what ye come up with!