Other Donations

Other Donations

Every gift is a building block.

There’s more than one way to give back. Our team is here to help you with donations made in any form.

Land Donations

If you have a lot you would like to sell or donate to Habitat Sioux Falls, please contact us!

Gifts In Kind

Building materials and hardware donated for our builds and Neighborhood Revitalization projects.

Cars for Homes

Cars for Homes accepts cars, trucks, RVs, boats, and construction vehicles that are sold at auction and you can pick Habitat Sioux Falls as the recipient of the funds.

Thrivent Choice

Thrivent Financial empowers its members to contribute to local non-profits they care about in an easy way.

License Plate Decals

Our license plate stickers for South Dakota organizational license plates are now available for purchase. Show your support for Habitat wherever you go!