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Rock the Block is a neighborhood revitalization event held twice annually to improve living conditions in a specific neighborhood. Residents of the neighborhood can apply to receive help with minor home improvement projects, and because of support from generous partners, almost all the projects are completed for residents free of charge.

Watch — Lim’s Rock the Block Story

Our Next Rock the Block


Home improvement project assistance like painting, yardwork and minor home repairs.


Dates TBD


Location TBD


Apply online or by contacting our NR coordinator.

Applications for this Rock the Block are not yet available but check back soon!


We could not put on Rock the Block without the amazing volunteers who show up to support their neighbors. Tasks vary depending on the project, and site supervisors will teach volunteers the necessary skills to complete the task. Volunteers for Rock the Block will receive a free t-shirt and are welcome to join us for lunch either before or after their shift.

Given the volume of requests to volunteer for previous Rock the Block events, individuals and groups interested in volunteering for our next Rock the Block can reserve a spot by contacting our volunteer coordinator.

Contact Our Volunteer Coordinator Contact Our Volunteer Coordinator


One of the reasons Rock the Block is different from our other neighborhood revitalization efforts is because most projects are completed absolutely free of charge. This is because of wonderful partners who supply materials, services, food and monetary donations. If you or your organization want to partner with Habitat for a Rock the Block event, please contact our NR coordinator.

Contact Our NR Coordinator Contact Our NR Coordinator

Frequently Asked Questions

These projects can be completed during Rock the Block –
• Small painting projects (2 gallons of paint or less)
• Yardwork
• Minor home repairs

We are NOT able to complete –
• Roofing repairs
• Siding repairs
• Foundation repairs or concrete work
• Projects that will take more than one day to complete

These are not exhaustive lists. If you’re curious about whether your project qualifies for a Rock the Block event, please contact our NR coordinator at or (605) 274-6284.

All standard, small Rock the Block projects are free for homeowners. However, if the project cost exceeds $300, the homeowner will need to fill out the Neighborhood Revitalization program application and pay for a portion of the project materials.

In past Rock the Block events, we’ve served the Sioux Falls neighborhoods of Pine Meadows and Whittier. However, we’re always looking to serve new neighborhoods and communities! If you think your neighborhood would be a good fit for Rock the Block, contact our NR coordinator at or (605) 274-6284.

If you don’t live in the neighborhood being served by Rock the Block, our Neighborhood Revitalization program may be able to help you. Learn more

If you have any questions, please contact our neighborhood revitalization coordinator at or (605) 274-6284.