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More Articles News | August 20, 2024

Four Families Welcomed Home

Four Families Welcomed Home

We had the joy of celebrating four home dedications in our Millard Acres development on Friday, August 16! Congratulations to Neway, Netsanet, Shyam, Yasodha, Tiegisti, Hamed, Laila and their families for all the hard work they put in to be able to purchase their homes through Habitat. It’s been almost ten years since Habitat last dedicated four homes at once, and we’re happy to have been able to bring together the Millard Acres neighborhood to do so again!

Two homeowners (Hamed and Laila) smile with their four children in front of their new home.
Left: New homeowner (Tiegisti) smiles with her two children in front of their new home.Right: New homeowners (Shyam and Yasodha) smile in front of their new home.
New homeowners (Neway and Netsanet) smile with their son in front of their new home.

Millard Acres is Habitat’s first development project that began in 2020. With the dedication of these four homes, it’s over halfway complete, and construction on the next six housing units begins this month. When the development is finished, it will provide 26 families with safe and stable housing.

These homes were made possible by the generosity of our presenting sponsors Pathward, Wells Fargo and Citibank. Thank you to Kinder Future Fund, First Premier Bank, BNSF Railway, U.S. Bank, Target, Resale Living, MaxLite and the Congressional Church of Amery for their significant contributions. We would also like to thank our many other corporate and private donors and volunteers for their support. Thank you to Project Warm-Up for presenting each member of the families with a blanket, as well.

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sioux Falls has now completed 193 homes, providing 307 adults and 726 children with secure, affordable housing.

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